Saturday, June 9, 2012

Misc pict of us in Berlin

Waiting for the boat to take our night cruise around the rivers of Berlin, sounds wonderful-but the man commentating the tour spoke with a thick German accent so he was incomprehensable and then there were the Finland group of retired people who where having some dinner party there were 50 of em eating and drinking and LAUGHing and TALKing LOUD. so that was a long trip 2 hours and now way out. kids were troopers though.
 THe not so nice part of Berlin we had to wait for a train here-
 Dale kept telling us about this speach that Kennedy said and here was a cut out to put your face in so here we are Ich Bin Ein Berliner-also means i am a doughnut.

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East German Ampelmännchen
About this sound Ampelmännchen (German: little traffic light man, pl. Ampelmännchen) is the symbolic person shown on traffic lights at pedestrian crossings in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR - East Germany). Prior to the German reunification in 1990, the two German states had different forms for the Ampelmännchen, with a generic human figure in West Germany, and a generally male figure wearing a hat in the east.
The Ampelmännchen is a beloved symbol in Eastern Germany,[1] "enjoy[ing] the privileged status of being one of the few features of communist East Germany to have survived the end of the Iron Curtain with his popularity unscathed."[2] After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Ampelmännchen acquired cult status and became a popular souvenir item in the tourism business.[1]

not an oscar myer weinner truck a curry wurst truck .. so funny!!!

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