Friday, March 23, 2012

The package from Japan!

 Thank you Megumi, love my socks and all the other wonderful things you have sent to us.

 The cutest bandana from tokyo disney. Megumi you are the best!
 These were totally different, these strange waffery treat.
 The spread of wonderful things sent from our Japanese friends, Atsui and Megumi. The packaging on this milky one is so cute and they are good too.

1 comment:

  1. Atsu&I are so glad to read your writing!
    Shido also like Milky so much.
    There are many kinds of Milky in Japan.
    Next time I will send you another taist♥
    And Atsu loves Kraft Cheese and he always eat Doritos with it^^
    How pretty Riam(wearing the bandana)is!!
    I miss you...LOL
