Thursday, March 29, 2012

Our saturday Picnic-i love it down here.

 My boys running with the kite. This is the same kite that my dad bought for Elijah when we were at the Oregon coast with them. Liam was then in my tummy. this time he gets to play along!

 This is the path down to the field. Today was the day people were chopping up the trees that had been cut down by the city. we are trying to figure out what the rules are for the people who chop them up. Maybe a permit, and certain days to cut? dont know . just interesting there were many families cutting firewood- next picture shows some of them.
Liam kept moving wanting to look like a robot but i wasnt taking a video but a picture. silly boy kept moving..

1 comment:

  1. Such great areas for running around. I can't wait to see these spots someday!
