Thursday, May 31, 2012

Mueseum Island Berlin

 A miniture of the island showing the buildings.

 This was in the Berlin Zoo as well but in white. Look in the zoo pictures later and see.
 Signs of war in the area around Nues Mueseum.
 Another University building. Holmbolt
 We were outside this College-University and they were taking off the boxes that protected the sculptures of the founders of the school. In the winter they box up the sculptures.

 Kristopher especially liked this silly sculpture called Humpty Dumpty outside the Neus Mueseum.
 Sour expression-sun in eyes. boys sunglasses on and Dale with hat.. so trying to smile...

1 comment:

  1. Grrrrr.... already wrote something and it disappeared.

    These pictures remind me how young America is. All those buildings have character. So pretty.
